So it has all been quite A LOT lately. The collective is brimming with intense feelings, oscillating quickly between grief, hope, anxiety, compassion, love and anger. My own life has also felt quite turned up with both unprecedented challenges and beautiful peek experiences. When the world feels a bit wild and fragmented both internally and externally, it is time to create a pocket of calm and cleanse and ground our energy. Let us both take a deep inhale. Pause at the top, breath in a little more, feel that suspension, and then sigh it out. Let your shoulders drop down, your mouth part, consciously relaxing the body, unwinding, sliding into a PAUSE. Give your full weight to gravity, dropping down, sending roots all the way to the center of the earth. With your next inhale draw earth energy up though those roots into your body, nourishing every cell. Exhale and soften your body even more and open up to receiving a sacred gift. Imagine a gentle golden sun above your head. Feel its warmth as pure LOVE. This sun that is the light of your very Soul begins to pour liquid gold light into your body and your aura, filling all the cracks, healing all the wounds, soothing and reviving. Let it fill you up. With every inhale draw in that gold light. With every exhale, relax and open. Now that our energy is softer and more cohesive, let me draw a Wander Kittens card for us as a collective. What do we need most right now? β
"CHARMED Do I dare to believe, even for a moment, that my life is charmed? What golden opportunities are sprinkled on my path? What treasures await? I feel the air shimmering with magic. I am a kitten of fortune. Everything I touch is charmed.
Where can I sense magic in my life?"
You can keep this mantra with you and repeat it as you need over the next week and you will be transported back to this feeling of wholeness and calm. If you carry my Wander Kittens pocket oracle decks with you or another small tarot/oracle deck that you love, you can use this simple practice at any moment when you are feeling off. It always surprises me how much it helps. May we all stay grounded on Earth and connected to Spirit even when we are in the center of a storm. Much love, Nicole P.S. My Wander Kittens Pocket Oracle Deck Kickstarter ENDS this Wednesday morning, October 30th at 11:11am PT. P.P.S. If you haven't seen my NEW Add-Ons: the Signed Golden Kitties Bundle, the Bliss Kitty Gold Keychain, and the Love & Protection Charm Tassel, scroll to the New Add-On section of my Kickstarter and check them out. If you need help adding new add-ons to your pledge, check out my Kickstarter's FAQ or simply reply to this email. P.P.P.S. My IG Live Replay is up. You will find a magical mini autumn meditation, a collective Wander Kittens Card Reading, a Kickstarter Show N Tell and some questions answered.