πŸ’—How I am Healing During a Challenging TimeπŸ’—


Hi friends,

I am just reaching out to you all to let you know that I am still here. I have had an extremely challenging beginning of the year with an intense personal, emotional upheaval rocking my very foundation and coinciding with the heart-breaking destruction of the fires here in Los Angeles where I live.

I am leaning heavily on my spiritual tools, resources, healers and community to help me through this time.

Some of the things that have been helpful to me during this time:

  • ​Practicing QiGong especially outside whenever possible
  • Touching trees, gazing at the sky, feeling my feet on the ground, asking the Nature Spirits for healing and solace
  • Flower essences and essential oils to bring me into a pleasurable, healing present moment
  • Getting out of my head and into my body through stretching, dance, long walks, and showers
  • Calling on my spirit guides of the highest vibration and the archangels to do some energy healing on me
  • Reaching out to various healing practitioners who have helped me in the past, searching for new healers nearby who I feel a resonance with and booking sessions (for example: Natasha Levinger and Neda Dardashti)
  • Reaching out to loved ones who are available for support and letting them know what I am going through. I felt very isolated at first and it is so helpful to feel truly cared for.
  • Pulling oracle and tarot cards, of course!

The Tarot/Oracle Card Spread I am doing right now (channeled by Katya Rudneva)​

I pull 1-3 (depending on my intuition) card(s) for each question. I do this reading whenever my mind can't stop racing and I feel ungrounded and triggered. Well first, I take some flower essences, self soothe with arm pets and a self hug, do a few stretches to come back to my body and then I do this reading. It's been super helpful every time.

  1. What do I need right now?
  2. What is happening to me right now?
  3. What would be helpful for me?
  4. What's a likely outcome if I accept that help?

For All Those Affected By the LA Fires

If you lost your Spirit Cats, Witch Cats or Cosmic Allies Oracle Deck or your 2025 Spirit Cats Calendar in the fires, please email me and I will send you a replacement.

If you have been impacted by the LA fires (be that a loss of a home in your family, evacuation, loss of a job or business, other stressful occurrences), please email me and I will gift you a Spirit Cats Oracle Deck for a small dose of solace and healing from these fluffy friends.

​Katya Rudneva is also offering free intuitive guidance sessions for people impacted by the LA fires. Just contact her through her website to book it.​

Free Personalized Intuitive Guidance Instagram Live

My dear friend and mystical helper/channel, Katya Rudneva, is hosting an IG Live this Thursday, Jan. 23rd at 6pm PT where she will offer intuitive guidance readings for all those who attend and ask a question in the chat. A replay will be made available after as well.

In order to attend, just come to her Instagram profile at 6pm PT and click on her profile picture.

Don't forget to check out her special discounted offering, available through Jan. 30th, designed specifically to help you Manifest Your Dream in 2025.​

I know it has been collectively a very challenging time and many of us have personal struggles simultaneously. I just want you to know that I am sending you a wave of love, healing, and solace. May a bright future find us even when it feels dark outside.

I thought I would leave us all with a message from my "Resilience" card from my new Wander Kittens Travel Decks. Each card has a poetic incantation that you can read again and again aloud or silently and let it sink in like a healing balm. The question at the end of the message is designed for journaling or reflection. It can even be used to spark a deep conversation with a dear one.

RESILIENCE: Under the dark icy cloak of night, I found a golden Sun still burning in my heart. I sipped from its warm light, drinking in the honeyed taste of Hope. I believed in the coming morning and it sustained me.
What helps me ignite a spark of hope?

May we all find that spark of hope and nurture it so it may grow into a bright future.

Much love,


P.S. For those of you who backed my Wander Kittens Oracle Decks Kickstarter last fall, everything is either in production currently or has already been delivered to me. I will be opening pre-orders for these items as well as soon as I am able. They are on schedule to be shipped late April into May.

P.P.S. I also still have a few Spirit Cats 2025 Calendars available.​


Hello, I'm Nicole Piar, creator of the Witch Cats Oracle Deck, Spirit Cats Oracle Deck and the Cosmic Allies Deck. My new Wander Kittens Mini Oracle Decks are NOW available for pre-order in my shop.


Get a free Wander Kittens Postcard Print when you pre-order the Wander Kittens Decks.​


Thank you for connecting with me here in my weekly-ish Moon Letters where I share rituals, practices, revelations, healing messages, and my creations. I appreciate your presence. Much LOVE and MAGIC your way!




Subscribe to Nicole Piar, artist & oracle deck creator