Why "let go and surrender"? 🌸🐱🌸

Dear friends,

Let us draw a sacred circle around this moment, right here, right now. Let go of everything that has come before this moment and everything that will come after it.

Consciously relax you body, soften your mouth, and let your hands unfurl and rest. Hear the sounds of the world around you. Feel the air on your skin. Is it warm or cool? Is the sun filtering softly in or are you illuminated by lamplight?

Take a deep breath in and sigh it out, letting go of any gripping or bracing. Feel a current of energy, your life force starting to flow within you.

Let go. Let go. Let go.

Let life rush through you like a river.

I read a quote recently on Angi Sullins instagram that said something to the effect of: "We don't want to let go because we don't want to lose control, but the truth is we never had control. All we had was anxiety."

This quote makes me laugh and helps me loosen my grip on my attachments. I completely stand behind having impassioned desires and taking courageous actions. Yet, I also know that to truly call forth this creative power within myself, I must release myself from the desperate, painful longing to control the world around me. Anxiety restricts change and limits our creativity.

Letting go opens up to unseen opportunities and widens the scope of our vision. It allows our own life force to move. Creative ideas and solutions start to bubble up within us naturally. It opens the doorway to aligned, intuitively-guided actions that have the power to transform our world and uplift us.

So how do we let go? Ahhhh, easier said than done, right? Ironically, we cannot force ourselves to let go. We cannot MAKE it happen on cue. However, we can do things that feel healing, replenishing and intuitively aligned like getting creative with art-making, dancing wildly in your yard, stepping out into nature or receiving an energy healing session. In that environment, a moment of grace is more likely to enter us and deep surrender will arrive spontaneously in our hearts, bodies, and minds.

It is precisely when the anxious gripping and wishing things were different is hitting us so hard that we are being called to tune into our intuition and listen carefully for that one next magical step. We might not know exactly where we are headed but listening for internal guidance and having the courage to take that aligned action will be enough to eventually lead us into the temple of our own healing.

Sending lots of love on your cosmic journey.

Thank you for sharing this space with me.

With magic and hope,


P.S. My dear friend, Katya Rudneva, is running a Kickstarter right now for her Spring Blossom Light Catcher. Katya specifically channeled this piece as an embodiment of hope, joy, and vitality – something we could all use more of right now. Check out her Kickstarter here.​


Hello, I'm Nicole Piar, creator of the Witch Cats Oracle Deck, Spirit Cats Oracle Deck and the Cosmic Allies Deck. My new Wander Kittens Mini Oracle Decks are NOW available for pre-order in my shop.


Get a free Wander Kittens Postcard Print when you pre-order the Wander Kittens Decks.​


Thank you for connecting with me here in my weekly-ish Moon Letters where I share rituals, practices, revelations, healing messages, and my creations. I appreciate your presence. Much LOVE and MAGIC your way!




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